
Showing posts with label version7.5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label version7.5. Show all posts

Mar 6, 2013

Migrar de la versión SAP BPC 7.5 a la versión SAP BPC 10.0

Estoy en estos momentos con una migración de SAP BPC 7.5 a SAP BPC 10.0 en versión NW.

Existen tres escenarios de actualización: NOTA( hace falta user ID SAP)

-       Actualización directa de un sistema existente
-       Actualización de una copia de un sistema existente
-       Instalación de un nuevo sistema e importar los datos existentes

Como consideración inicial se tiene que el sistema BW sobre el que se instalará BPC 10.0 deberá ser la versión 7.3.

Escenario 1:
El servidor existente se actualizará a la versión 7.3 de NetWeaver y de la 7.5 a la 10 de Planning and Consolidation. Esta opción sólo sirve para actualizar el sistema desde la versión 7.5 de BPC y para ellos se utilizará el programa de migración “UJT_MIGRATE_75_TO_10.Debido a que utilizamos un único sistema, éste dejaría de estar disponible para los usuarios y si surgieran problemas podríamos perder información.
Por lo comentado, esta solución no es aconsejable

Escenario 2:
Este escenario tiene la ventaja de combinar simplicidad y seguridad.

Realizaremos una copia del sistema y ejecutaremos el programa de migración “UJT_MIGRATE_75_TO_10” sobre dicha copia.

Escenario 3:
En este escenario se realizará la instalación de un sistema BPC 10 y después importaremos los datos del sistema en 7.5 utilizando UJBR. Los entornos serán migrados de la 7.5 a la 10 utilizando el programa de migración “UJT_MIGRATE_75_TO_10”.


Recordar que la migración será en parte automática y en parte necesitará la intervención del usuario.
Técnicamente los entornos son migrados de la versión 7.5 a la versión 10 utilizando el programa “UJT_MIGRATE_75_TO_10”

-       Todos los datos serán migrados
-       Toda la configuración de Administración será migrada
-       Habrá algunos cambios de nomenclatura y situación de algunas configuraciones
-       Los usuarios se crearán en BW y se mapearán desde los usuarios del sistema de 7.5 utilizando una hoja de cálculo
-       La Seguridad será migrada, pero habrá algunos cambios
-       Los Journals serán migrados
-       Las Business Rules serán migradas
-       Las Validaciones serán migradas (en la versión 10 se llamarán Controls), con algunos cambios
-       Los elementos de Data Manager serán migrados, pero los logs no
-       Los Live Reports no serán migrados
-       Los elementos del Content Library serán migrados pero con algunas limitaciones
-       Los Business Process Flows serán migrados
-       Los Excel Reports y Templates podrán ser migrados pero con limitaciones
-       Los Custom Menus no serán migrados
-       Las soluciones a medida utilizadas en la 7.5 no funcionarán en la 10.

Os iré comentado casos que pueden seros útiles a la hora de la migración. Igualmente espero vuestros comentarios. Mas información

Jan 12, 2012

SAP BPC - Dimension Properties in General

Dimension properties are categories that are assigned to dimensions. Many of the properties are generic, such as ID and EvDescription, and others can be unique to a dimension. These properties define the behavior of members within the dimension. It is best to have some idea of the properties each dimension requires in the design, but you can build the dimension without defining ALL the properties.
They may always be added later in the design process. Based on their assigned type, dimensions are assigned default properties, some of which are required. You can add more properties to further customize your dimension members.  

It is natural to have hierarchies for dimensions such as entity and time where the need for rollups is common. Hierarchies also allow the use of multiple views from one dimension. For example the entity (such as Store) dimension can be used to view data by company code, plant, or region. Hierarchies are stored as SAP NetWeaver BW Hierarchies.

The hierarchy property PARENTH# does not appear as a property via ’maintain dimension properties’ but only as a column in the dimension member sheet. The naming convention is PARENT# where # is the number of the hierarchy such as 1,2, etc. The #’s must be sequential. The property name does not appear to the end user however. Parents are valid members. A member can only be assigned to one parent per hierarchy.

Member id’s
Member id’s can have up to 20 characters. ID’s cannot have spaces or any special characters except ‘.’ and ‘_’. ID’s must be unique per dimension. Descriptions are ( EvDescription ) 60 characters and can have special characters and spaces. However, they cannot contain double quotes.

Repeat, Properties are like any other characteristic in BW, they have a maximum of 60 positions in the data base. However, you can create a property in Business Planning and Consolidation of more than 60 but BW creates it with 60 anyway. Also, BW makes it a display attribute only. Defining the right properties in a dimension support various functions from the user’s interface and make reporting much easier.

In addition, properties are often critical components used to evaluate expressions in advanced script logic and business rules.

Remember, the value you place in a member’s property may be used in an Excel report.

Dec 12, 2011

BPC Script logic - Scope using member property

*XDIM_MEMBERSET is for scoping based on the member ID.

What if user wants to scope members based on a specific property value?

       For example, a user wants to filter Account dimension members those are Asset. To achieve this, we need to use ACCTYPE property which has the type value of account. AST is the value for ASSET account.
(Note: Value is based on the APSHELL of BPC.)

The command is *XDIM_FILTER. The usage is

*XDIM_FILTER <DIMENSIONNAME> = [DIMENSIONName].Properties("Property name") = "Property value"

      So above example can be written as below.
      *XDIM_FILTER ACCOUNT = [account].properties(“ACCTYPE”)=”AST”

      Let's say Account dimension has 3 members as below.
         ID           ACCTYPE
      Extsales          INC
      CASH              AST
      TAXES             EXP

      Then about *XDIM_FILTER_ACCOUNT will select CASH member only.
      Let's assume If you already used multiple *XDIM_MEMBERSET command
      and below are selected data from the fact tables.
     EXTSALES , 2011.JAN, BUDGET, 9000
     CASH     , 2011.JAN, BUDGET, 3000
     TAXES    , 2011.JAN, BUDGET,  800
     NETINCOME, 2011.JAN, BUDGET, 1500

     Now if you add *XDIM_FILTER against ACCOUNT dimension.
     *XDIM_FILTER ACCOUNT = [account].properties(“ACCTYPE”)=”AST”

     Only one record will be selected from above result because CASH is
     the only account member that has 'AST' value of ACCTYPE property.
     CASH     , 2011.JAN, BUDGET, 3000

Nov 30, 2011

Planning and Consolidation 7.5 and the corresponding names in Planning and Consolidation 10.0.

7.5                                                             10.0
Dimensions                                                                                 Dimensions
Applications                                                                                Models
Business                                                                                      Rules Business Rules
Validation Rules                                                                           Controls settings
Script Logic                                                                                 Logic Scripts
Work Status settings                                                                    Work Status settings
Journal Templates                                                                         Journal Templates
System report settings                                                                  Audit report settings