Y ahí se ha quedado en una nota con muchos links. A lo mejor tenemos que esperar a que finalice su etapa de Rump-up. Así que a seguir esperando.
Si quieres conocer algo mas más sobre las novedades de SAP BPC 10.1, sobre todo de la variantea Unfied para plataformas SAP HANA, recomendamos este link de SAP SCN titulada “SAP BPC 10.1 Unified live demo” .
2. Environment - creating a sandbox with reference to the EDW models
3. Model - exposing a EDW model in the sandbox
4. Team - compiling teams flexibly as basis for collaboration
5. Work-status - defining status-sequences and applicable data ranges
6. Auditing - activating generic logging of audit data
7. Input Form - setting-up a web input form based on a BEx query
8. BPF Process - defining process steps and their workspaces
9. For data owner - planning data along a process via BPC web- and Advanced analysis
10. For manager - finalizing the process
11. System Reporting - reporting on the activities in the system
12. EPM add-in reporting
13. EPM add-in input
14. EPM add-in new report
15. EPM add-in local calculation
16. EPM add-in workstatus
Os dejo su link SAP SCN
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